Subject NBackup failing
Author ruth_fitzsimmons

I've been running a system on linux (fedora) for a while where I use nbackup to lock a database file before copying it, then I unlock it again.

However, for no apparent reason that I can see, I can no longer lock or unlock the file - running the nbackup command from the bash terminal doesn't return any errors, but no delta file is created on lock, and if a delta file does exist then it's not merged on unlock, and the mon$backup_state flag in mon$backup_database doesn't change either.

I've run a gfix validate on the database file which didn't return any errors, and I can access my data in the tables without a problem so doesn't appear to be corrupted. The only other thing I noticed was that in the firebird log file I got a lot of read errno = 9 messages around the time the last delta file was created.

Any help would be much appreciated - as you can imagine this is a fairly urgent matter as I can't see any way of getting my database back into a state where I can lock and unlock it without having to completely recreate it.

