Subject Re: [firebird-support] firebird monitoring
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> I'm planning to make a plugin for Nagios that will monitor some feature for
> a given Firebird database. I'm no expert on Firebird at all, although i have
> been administrating systems that make use of it for some time now.
> There are 2 main things that I want to know now.
> 1. What are the main things that i should monitor?
> 2. How can i gather such data? There is a documentation on how to gather it?
> About the first question, i have some idea of what to monitor, like number
> of active connections, the amount o data read by the last queries, the most
> consuming queries, etc, but any ideas are very welcome.
> About question two, once I saw a software named Sinatica that gather such
> data, and IT SEEMS that is gather this data from some administrative tables
> that holds this kind of metadata. Is this the way? Where can i found
> documentation about such tables?
> Very much thanks in advance.

Ever looked at this?

Haven't used it myself though.

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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