> 1. In the install script, I create a global variable for the port number, making it different than the standard default.
> 2. When the user asks for a Server install, I launch the standard Firebird setup with the following command line, and wait for it to finish:
> %MAINDIR% is my application destination folder, so %MAINDIR%_FirebirdServer will yield something like "C:\AppFolder_FirebirdServer"
> The addition of "_FirebirdServer" will assure the server files are not installed in the same folder as my app, but in one right next to it. I discovered that if I were to install the server files into my app folder (or a sub-folder within it), it was not possible to delete my app folder because files in it were busy. There are other reasons to not install the server files into the app folder, but I won't go into them unless someone asks.
> 3. After the Firebird installation concluded, my Wise install edits firebird.conf to replace the line "#RemoteServicePort = 3050" with "RemoteServicePort = <my port number>". Obviously, it is important to remove the # (un-comment).
I forgot to include step 4: I added a registry entry to allow my application to use the custom port number. That's why I made it a global variable. Sorry for the omission.