Subject server setup
Author dwich_cz
Hi guys,
I'd like to ask you what's the best server setup for web-based application (Apache, PHP, Firebird). Currently the OS is FreeBSD 7.2, the database size is about 2.3GB now and growing about 200-400MB / month. Firebird 2.0 is running using inetd, classic server. There's Xeon @ 2.33GHz with 1GB RAM and one harddrive for OS and (as far as I know) one harddrive for data (database). Seagate 250GB, 7200rpm.

Most of the request are served quickly as it's set of simple queries, populating data to template and that's it. There are also some scheduled jobs which take long time to do, from couple of seconds to almost a minute. These jobs execute tens to hundreds queries or statements.

During peak hours the drive is spinning as fast as it can, `$ iostat -x -w 5` is showing almost 100% load and `$ top -m io` is showing from five to ten running Firebird processes.

During the off-peak hours the drives are not busy, between 1-3% and about one to two Firebird processes.

How would you set-up a new server? Hardware and software (Firebird).

Thanks for any advice.