Subject Fb/1.5 -> Fb/2.1
Author Aage Johansen
I tried to "convert" metadata using Adriano's
scripts in the ...\misc\upgrade\metadata
folder. However, it tended to end with an error
message: attempted update of read-only column - at leaset for some databases.
So, I wrote a little program to replace offending
characters (e.g. "é" -> "<$e1$>", to be run with
Fb/1.5), and a corresponding program to fix the
temporary strings (to be run with Fb/2.1).

Replacing text blobs in the Fb/1.5 database
worked fine. Replacing the same text blobs in
Fb/2.1 weren't 100% successful. In Fb/2.1
conversion for rdb$procedures went fine, so did
rdb$relations and rdb$exceptions. Converting
rdb$triggers did not succeed. When committing,
the "attempted update of read-only column" appeared.
Examining the database, I can see that the
conversion process was a success for exceptions,
procedures and relations while triggers still
contained the intermediate (temporary) strings.

Any new rules for Fb/2.1 ?

Aage J.
Using Fb/2.1 (, Delphi/2006, IBO/4.8.7 (IIRC)