Subject Forced write and other releated parameters. How they impact FB performance?
Author Doychin Bondzhev
Hello everyone,

I want to better understand the meaning of the parameters in firebird.conf which are related to Forced Write option in database.

In my case I use single database file in a RAM disk + shadow file on regular HDD. I turn off shadow file when I need to do lots of Updates and Inserts. After that is over I turn on again shadow file.

During the time when shadow is off I do regular backups of the database so that I can restart the process from the last backup in case of some problems with database.

Usually Forced write is turned on on this database but what will happen if I turn it off?

Is there any relation between Forced Write and transactions?

When Forced Write is turned off and I specify some large number of operations in firbird.conf what will happen if transaction that inserts/deletes/updates data is committed?

Probably I can ask more questions like these but Im sure the answer is somewhere in the better understanding the relation between ForcedWrite parameter and transactions if such exists.
