Subject Update from FB 2.1.0 to FB 2.1.2 on Suse Linux Enterprise
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

I know how to upgrade/reinstall Firebird on Windows, but on Linux, I'd
better ask before screwing up the production server. ;-)

I'm running Firebird 2.1.0 on Suse Linux Enterprise 10 and due to
various patches in nbackup in the latest 2.1.2 release, I would like to
update to 2.1.2.

Is it really that easy as shown in the installation guide, with
(installation has been done via the rpm package):

$rpm -e FirebirdCS-2.1.n

for deinstalling the old version including old client libs, ...?

Basically, the firebird.conf, aliases.conf and the security database
shall remain from the 2.1.0 installation. Does the deinstallation
process deletes these files? If not, does the install process overwrites
existing files?


Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
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