Subject Workaround for Core-1961?
Author intermoves

on an x86_64 Linux-Box (Centos) with Kernel version 2.6.18 we use a
Firebird DBMS with version

LI-V2.0.4.13130 Firebird 2.08LI-V2.0.4.13130

and a JayBird-Client (under Tomcat 6.0.16).

The server is used for a starting project and has at the moment a very
low load.

During a presentation of the sales team the server reported the message

"internal gds software consistency check (page in use during flush
(210). file: cch.cpp line: 3712)"

After this message JayBird was not able to open a further connection.
We had to shutdown and start the Tomcat-Server to continue the

The error message is almost identical to one that was reported in the

On the first view the error message may be related to CORE-1961, see

According to the bug report the bug is fixed for 2.1.3 and 2.0.6, but
I have not seen a release date for these versions.

One question is:

What can be done to prevent this show stopper before the release of
version 2.1.3 or 2.0.6?

Any help is very welcome!

