Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Problem when returning values with EXECUTE STATEMENT
Author Martijn Tonies

According to the documentation, this should work:

EXECUTE STATEMENT <string> INTO :var1, ., :varn;

But it also says:

I. For all forms of EXECUTE STATEMENT SQL, the DSQL string can not contain
any parameters. All variable substitution into the static part of the SQL
statement should be performed before EXECUTE STATEMENT.

So, I'm not sure if EXECUTE PROCEDURE with output parameters works. The
INTO clause here is to return output -columns- from a SELECT result.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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>> The firebird 1.5.5 release notes does not give an example on how to
>>retrive returning values from non selectable stored procedures. I'm not
>>sure if firebird accepts returning_values as a valid statement in the
>>dynamic SQL part.
> If it had been possible at all, it would have been because EXECUTE
> STATEMENT had been implemented with an output structure for EXECUTE
> PROCEDURE. If that were the case, then the syntax I gave you would have
> "worked" and the PSQL side would have been able to read a valid
> RETURNING_VALUES structure ( a comma-separated list of colon-prefixed
> variables inside parentheses) into the INTO variables.
> However, it's not surprising that it didn't work. The purpose of EXECUTE
> STATEMENT is to allow immediate execution of a DSQL statement from within
> a PSQL module. RETURNING_VALUES() is not a valid construct in DSQL.
> Selecting from a selectable SP, viz., one that is defined with SUSPEND for
> each output row, *is* valid DSQL, so I'm afraid that is what you are stuck
> with. Just watch carefully that the "real life" output from that SELECT
> statement cannot return multiple rows INTO your variable list, or you will
> get a different kind of exception.
> ./heLen
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