Subject Re: [firebird-support] Corruption, was Re: fbclient.dll_unloaded => BEX Exception
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:31 PM 21/11/2009, you wrote:

>hmmm. finally i do like this:
>1/ gfix -v -f => ok i receive error report
>2/ gfix -m -i => receive error report
>3/ again gfix -v -f => ok i receive error report
>4/ backup the data => OK
>5/ restore the data => OK with error : some foreign key are not active because of foreign key violation
>6/ ISQL => locate and delete all the data in error (only one record in the master database missing, so i delete all the record connected to this reccord)
>7/ activate the foreign key
>8/ backup the data
>9/ restore the data => OK
>10/ run gfix -v -f => OK
>now everything seam to work weel ... did i forget something ? now can i m be sure now that the integrity of the database is OK? all the corruption is really go away ?

Sounds good to me. :-)


>> We have an expression in English - "shutting the stable door after >the horse has bolted". In the hope that this is not such a case, >please study this paper, which shows at least how important it is to >do the right things, in the right order, and only on a COPY of your >database:
>yes thanks for the link. the first think i do is :
>gfix -write sync database.gdb
>because in fact the probleme is not only power lost, but it's can also be server crash ! if the FB_inet crash (like out of memory) then if data are not flush the database can be corrupted (i thing it's what happen to me). in fact sometime the fb_inet simply "hang" accepting incomming connection but not answer to them (making the client freezing) ... why ? i don't really know... at the beginning i was thing the the probleme was on the client side, but now i m not sure anymore. As it is an web app, more and more connection arrive and are "trap" like this... stil no more memory availale on the server (monday i will buy 64GO) ... killing the client not change anything and the only way i found was to restart the server ! after you know the story ....
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