Subject Re: Kubuntu 9.10 AMD64 problem in installing FirebirdSS-
Author raja_s_patil
Thanks Steve,

> >rsp@DELL-1710:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.1-super
> >[sudo] password for rsp:
> I'm sorry to ask this, but you are entering the correct password here?
yes I did, but no luck.

> I've done four more clean installs today and it's got simpler each time. Is
> it on a clean Kubuntu 9.10 install from CD?
yes, to avoid upgrade problems I faced in past, I prefer to do
clean install from CD. I have / partition and /home partition
I have formatted / partition but /home is from 9.04 install
at that time /home was also formatted and backup was restored.
that was on 29 sep 2009.

> Tomorrow I'll try it on super and let you know.

I appreciate your kind efforts to help me out.

Thanks and best regards.
