Subject AW: [firebird-support] database and structure problem
Author Olaf Kluge

first, table with orders, created by customer.
Table one
board 123, size 123, orderno. 234, position 1, number of parts: 100
sequential number 100

board 222, size 123, orderno. 235, position 1, number of parts: 200
sequential number 101

board 222, size 222, orderno. 235, position 2, number of parts: 200
sequential number 102

board 223, size 222, orderno. 235, position 3, number of parts: 222
sequential number 103

The first stored procedure sums equal parts together and does simplified the
follow inserts into a separate table:
Table two
Example orderno. 235:
board 222, orderno. 235, pos. 1, number of parts: 400, sequential number of
this table 444
board 223, orderno. 235, pos. 2, number of parts: 222, sequential number of
this table 445

This procedure is called at the beginning of the main procedure. The main
procedure then searches in the high bay warehouse, the materials needed to
create jobs and to outsource - based on table two.

The third table contains data from table two, additional data from the high
bay warehouse:

board 222, orderno. 235, pos. 1, sub pos 1 from 2, number of parts: 100,
storage position x=1, y=2, z=3, sequential number of this table 1111
board 222, orderno. 235, pos. 1, sub pos 2 from 2, number of parts: 300,
storage position x=2, y=3, z=3, sequential number of this table 1112
board 223 ...

Now, the first stored procedure has forgotten the last position.

Now, this morning the other stored procedures do not works fine too. The
java Application (netbeans) shows when executing stored procedures and
database operators continually fail.

Is this a result of uncompleted transactions?

After I have compressed the database it works fine again.

Thanks for Help.
