Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: FB 1.5 Embedded VS FB 2.1 Enbedded
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:23 AM 9/01/2009, you wrote:
>I had all files needed at proper location. I also tried to copy files
>to Windows\System32 folder without any success.
>However, it started to work when I installed the vccrt8_Win32.msi
>file. I do not know which files are contained in this file but it did
>the trick.

The same files; but in XP and above you must *install* them, as you have discovered. This is documented in the Installation and Migration notes, which are included in all the kits.

The v.2.1.2 kits (available soon) have a more detailed description of the MSVC8 assembly and the installation options; plus the v.2.1.2 installer has improvements that do a better job of dealing with the vicissitudes of Windows platform rules.

>Thanks for your help everybody.

Ideally, people need to study the notes before raising a support issue. They are not included there for the purpose of decoration. Time and energy are spent on producing these notes, not least to pre-empt the same questions coming up repeatedly as "support questions".

The other side of the coin is that the support list is not in existence as an invitation to ignore the release documentation nor to sanctify those who choose to.

^ heLen