Subject Firebird 1.5 Embedded AND client within the same application.
Author vincentlemieux

I have an application to transfer data from one database to another
database. This application connects to database A (FB1.5) and then
connects to database B (FB1.5 too).

For some customers, their connections to database A is remote so they
use the fbclient.dll located in C:\Program Files\...\Firebird_1_5
\bin\fbclient.dll. Then, their connection to database B is local so
they are using the fbembed.dll.

What happens is that even if a connection to database A is successful,
I always get a "unavailable database" error message when trying to
connect to database B using the embedded DLL.

Any clue about what can forbid connecting to a embedded database when a
remote connection is alredy made??

Thank you!

I'm using Delphi2006.