Subject Question - Regarding RAM
Author Michael Vilhelmsen

We are in the process of upgrading and extending all our servers.

This is bue to a lot of things.
But one of them is this entry in the LOG file:

DBSRV05 (Server) Wed Aug 20 09:14:01 2008
internal gds software consistency check (cannot start thread)

As I have read it, this message means that firebird cannot allocate
more memory.

This is a correct assumption, right?

I do believe we have this problem because this server is hosting 9 DBs.
They are from 37 Mb to 18 Gb.
Specially 2 of those DBs has been growing a lot the last year and do
get more and more uses attaching to them. We get this once or twice a
week at this time.

The 2 big DBs will be moved to a newer servers shortly and be alone on
these servers.

Our current server is running Windows 2003, 4Gb RAM, RAID 5 HDD (I
believe) and FB SS 1.5.4.

The newer server will be running Linux, FB SS and will have 8 Gb RAM.

Well - a lot of talk just for a short answer ;-)
