Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird to periodically execute a stored procedure
Author emel
> What are you try to do running SP or trigger on every hour?

It's no problem, sheduled EXE at Win server run now (execute SQL script
and administrate it into filesystem too...
But it is a special problem and must do an extreme case.


Trigger should be fine for a database cleanup...
or a time critical datastore when store data without check [commit it]
and run SP/trigger for check later... etc.

It can be triggered by application, but I should like to build a
'self-sufficient' database.
It can triggered by login or logout or transaction start/stop [now at FB
2.1] but I don't like if this work slow down original event (this is
foreign task for theese).

Since FB 2.1 and database triggers, only a little step for a
periodically fired database trigger.
