Subject Re: [firebird-support] Connection actively refused
Author Robert martin

Thanks for that. The client is using Nortons (yuk) but I will add FB to
the services file as you suggest. I had only previously added it in the
ms Firewall in XP.

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

James N. Hitz wrote:
> Robert martin wrote:
>> Hi
>> We have a client where 1 machine is unable to connect to the FB server
>> with the 'Connection actively refused' message (I can get the exact text
>> if required, just don't have it right now). The machine weas working
>> fine a few days ago and the client claims to have not changed anything
>> (we are dubious).
>> I have tried disabling firewalls / security on client and server
>> machines (although they are using Nortons so you can never tell !). The
>> network is operational and I can ping the server host machine. I have
>> reinstalled DB client software on the client machine.
>> We have seen this in the past but it has always just been a Firewall
>> issue (open 3050 and everything works). Any other suggestions ?
>> Thanks
> In XP, I notice that simply setting the firewall to OFF didn't always
> work for me. This is what I do:
> -Switch off firewall on server
> -Open Services and permanently disable the Internet Connection
> Sharing/Firewall service
> -Add 3050 to <WINDIR>\SYSTEM32\Drivers\etc\services
> -restart server
> But of course you will also need to check that you do not have any other
> Firewall installed, or another program that has port 3050 engaged.
> Also ensure that you did not set a different port in your Firebird.conf.
> Kwaheri (Goodbye in Swahili).
> James
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