Subject Re: [firebird-support] Connection actively refused
Author James N. Hitz
Robert martin wrote:
> Hi
> We have a client where 1 machine is unable to connect to the FB server
> with the 'Connection actively refused' message (I can get the exact text
> if required, just don't have it right now). The machine weas working
> fine a few days ago and the client claims to have not changed anything
> (we are dubious).
> I have tried disabling firewalls / security on client and server
> machines (although they are using Nortons so you can never tell !). The
> network is operational and I can ping the server host machine. I have
> reinstalled DB client software on the client machine.
> We have seen this in the past but it has always just been a Firewall
> issue (open 3050 and everything works). Any other suggestions ?
> Thanks
In XP, I notice that simply setting the firewall to OFF didn't always
work for me. This is what I do:

-Switch off firewall on server
-Open Services and permanently disable the Internet Connection
Sharing/Firewall service
-Add 3050 to <WINDIR>\SYSTEM32\Drivers\etc\services
-restart server

But of course you will also need to check that you do not have any other
Firewall installed, or another program that has port 3050 engaged.
Also ensure that you did not set a different port in your Firebird.conf.

Kwaheri (Goodbye in Swahili).
