Subject Re: Database corruption (again) or what is wrong with Firebird.
Author thisllub
"I don't see how you can say that. Firebird runs in plenty of "serious
> production environment"s without the corruption you describe. "

A single corruption makes that a false statement. The cause of the
corruption is irrelevant. Any database is corruptible.The fact that
corruption can be undetected and virtually unrecoverable is the problem.

I am not slagging off at the product here. I am very happy with
everything else about Firebird. I just consider this to be a serious

--- In, Dean Harding
<dean.harding@...> wrote:
> thisllub wrote:
> > You wrote;
> > "> *your* production environment...right? Firebird databases
> > don't corrupt in a "serious production environment" but it sounds as
> > if you are over a barrel now and it's too late for you to approach
> > (with us) what is happening in *your* environment to cause this
> > corruption."
> >
> > Of course you are wrong.
> I don't see how you can say that. Firebird runs in plenty of "serious
> production environment"s without the corruption you describe. I think
> that was the point Helen was trying to make. Something about *your
> particular environment* is different and that is what is causing the
> trouble.
> Dean.