Subject Re: [firebird-support] Error INET
Author Milan Babuskov
Matthias Hanft wrote:
> Thank you for that detailed explanation (in DOS times, I had used "file
> handles" myself, too). Then, "read" and "select in packet_receive" are
> just two different places where the error occurs, right?


> Can I do any-thing against it, and/or should I worry about it anyway?

Unless some users complain that they cannot connect or something like
that, you can ignore those.

> possibly some web clients close the HTTP connection
> early, and as a consequence, my web server closes the FB connection early.

Or rather, dies out without closing the connection gracefully?

> But if you can confirm that FB tolerates those network flaws without
> problems, I'll just ignore those firebird.log messages... :-)

As always, fixing things is a good idea (esp. since it makes the log
clear so you can detect some 'new' problems if they show up). However,
unless you see a clear problem message like (example from my
firebird.log): 'Uncommitted work may have been lost', you shouldn't
worry too much.

Milan Babuskov