Subject Re: 2.1 metadata charset - how to upgrade 1.5 database?
Author maximshiryaev
Thank you very much.

Already found. Including an article on
But not in release notes or installation/compatibility notes.

> When people will read documentation ?

when no internet connection available ;-) It's rare case nowdays indeed.

> For whom it was written

I guess for developers as an addition to software specification,
requirements, etc.. At least my users think so. Amn't I a user as
well? ;-)

Take it sasy - four-days weekend is coming!


PS. I will change my usual "query plan":
- release notes,
- newsgroup
- /docs
and promote /docs above.

--- In, Vlad Khorsun <hvlad@...> wrote:
> > I've seen somewhere a guide to deal with this new feature but cannot
> > find it again.
> When people will read documentation ? For whom it was written ???
> Regards,
> Vlad
> PS There is *a lot* of info in Russian about Firebird and about your