Subject FB 2.1 vs. msvcrt
Author Teträm Corp

I'm a bit confused about the msvcrt and firebird 2.1

As I understand, since FB 2.1, we have to install msvcrt 8 (aka
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime)
as part of FB installation because the redistributable package does some
actions that FB setup cannot (or don't want to ;-) )

If I'm right, here some questions :
- what are the new minimum requirements of FB 2.1?
because MSDN says "*Supported Operating Systems: *Windows 2000 Service
Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP" for 32bits
redistributable package (and only 2003, XP and Vista for 64 but it's not
a surprise). I wasn't able to find them in install notes
more, install notes still mentions "Make sure you are logged in as
Administrator (doesn't apply on Win9x or ME)"... assuming we still can
install FB 2.1 on non NT windows.
Is it only because MS doesn't support Win9x anymore they don't mention
them or is it real also for FB?

- what about embedded version?
in the package, we can find msvcr80.dll, msvcp80.dll and
Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest which are part of msvcrt.
I just read in devel list that it MAY (not sure at all at this time) be
possible to not install runtime by putting some hacked manifest in intl,
bin and udf dirs but it's not the case in embedded package
So, are they (those 3 files) enough for embedded version or do we have
to install the runtime too?

sorry if those questions are already answered but I didn't find a place
with all answers. A bit here, a bit there, sometimes contradicting,
never clear and complete.
