Subject Re: [firebird-support] Ghost image backups
Author Woody
From: "Leyne, Sean" <Sean@...>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 9:46 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: [firebird-support] Ghost image backups

> Woody,
>> Now comes ghosting as a backup method. The entire drive is ghosted
> every
>> 15 minutes to another PC and also a virtual location for safety. Does
>> anyone know if this type of backup is dangerous to FB or to any
> database
>> engine in general? Does it depend on what "type" of ghosting is done
> or
>> how it's done? Is there any information, ideas and/or suggestions
> about it
>> at all?
> Unless you are using the NBackup feature of FB v2.x, to set the database
> into a 'snapshot' mode, a ghost backup would be *unreliable* for FB
> purposes -- the database would likely be invalid.
> BTW, I hope by "ghosting" you are referring to a "snapshot"/incremental
> backup which would be handled via an OS/File System snapshot function --
> otherwise the overhead on the server file system would be tremendous!

Actually, I don't really know the particulars. I'm going to email their
network guy (they use an outside service) to get them, hopefully. I'm
actually using the latest 1.5 version of FB. I have my own program that
controls a backup service with an interface program to control it as well as
do maintenance. It does a nightly full backup anyway to a separate

As soon as I get more information, I'll post back. Thanks, Sean.

Woody (TMW)