Subject Does Firebird 2.1 SS or 2.04 SS uses ALL processors under Fedora 8 32/64 bits?
Author Fabian Chocron

Does Firebird 2.1 SS or 2.04 SS uses ALL processors under Fedora 8 32/64

We are currently running on Win 2003 32 bits, and the service is linked to 1
processor, as requiered, however we need to improbe the response time, and
Classic is no better for our configuration (we have 500 connections all the
time, and only 5 or 10 are doing something simultaneosly). We are using 2 GB
ram for cache, however we have 16 GB on the server, and the response is
about 200 milliseconds to 5 seconds per request. If we install Classic, it
will consume too much memory (we have 16 GB, but it will only give 16GB /
500 = 32 Mb per connection), and the performance will drop even further as a
result of loosing all the database cache. Perhaps there is a way to
configure Classic to "allocate lots of ram" when doing something, and
release it when the user is IDLE, would that be better than SuperServer?
