Subject known token error but I don't know why!!!
Author jacobswell4u
Hello, I'm a newbie of firebird and I just try to use it but got an
error but I don't know why.

the sql query is:
SQL> create table test(
CON> my_id varchar(255) character set none not null default '',
CON> au_menu varchar(20) character set none not null default '',
CON> au_auth char(1) check(value in ('r','w','d')) not null default '',
CON> primary key (mb_id,au_menu)
CON> );

The error code is:
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -104
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Token unknown - line 2, column 48

In my thinking is there any rule for default value?

Any help would be appreciated.

* parden me if there is any wrong english.