Subject As a service in windows98, please, help a student
Author jefersonlucio

I am a student of IT, and as part of my project of probation, I need
to develop a service that is active in computer memory, listening for
data on a particular UDP port. The language I was chosen is Borland
Delphi 7. In Windows XP, simply create a service and install it, works
perfectly well.

However, some computers that I need to run this program are Windows
98, and do not support services of Windows XP, in this case, I compile
the program as an single executable without any window, and put to
start in the key
registry of the Windows 98. However, when a user logon and logoff, the
Windows 98 finishes the program, taking it from memory, the executable
does not survive the logoff process.

I know that some anti-virus programs and Firebird, are able to survive
Windows 98 logoff, without being finalized, I would like a tip from,
how to achieve this behaviour, so that I finish my work,

Many Thanks,
