Subject odbc-driver is not showing all tables of the database
Author spam2shaggy

I have a Firebird database as a part of a commercial software I
bought. The database consists of one "big" gdb-file containing all
tables (financial accounting, etc. etc. etc.) and many, many small
gdb-files containing specific "project" data.

When I use the ODBC driver to link all tables in an MS Access
database, I cannot see the "project" tables. I use the "Firebird ODBC
driver v1.2" from the firebird homepage. I browsed through the "big"
file and found the header information of the projects including one
field with the path and filename of the project gdb-file. Obviously
the sofware is using this path and filename to open the project
files, however, they do not appear to be part of the whole database.

Is there a way to have my project-files as tables? Maybe with a
special ODBC driver that uses all gdb-files of a directory as tables?

It appears, that the software is not build "state of the art" (eg.
all projects in a big table) but what can I do?

