Subject Re: Firebird TCP/IP connection string error SQLCODE = -902
Author gio_online
Thanks a lot. It worked.
I installed xinetd first followed by firebird.

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
> At 12:58 PM 13/09/2007, you wrote:
> >Hello.
> >
> >I installed FirebirdCS- in Ubuntu 6.06.
> >I opened a root shell and followed the instructions from the
> >installation notes.
> >
> >I got an error when I excute the following command as indicated in
> >the installation notes.
> >
> >connect localhost:employee.fdb;
> >Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902
> >Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
> >- Failed to establish a connection.
> >- Connection refused
> >
> >I tried using:
> >connect;
> >connect;
> >connect localhost:/opt/firebird/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb;
> >connect;
> >
> >and these still didn't work.
> >
> >I tried the following commands and it worked:
> >
> >connect employee.fdb;
> >-- or --
> >connect employee;
> ????
> >But I want to connect thru TCP/IP connection string.
> >Any idea on what I have missed?
> Is xinetd running? If not, it needs to be. And you will have to
> supply a proper file path to the database file: just the file
> on its own won't do it for a remote connection.
> By the way, were you aware that Ubuntu is Debian under the
> hood? Debian has its own rules about many things. If you find you
> have showstopper problems with installing or running the
> Linux package, you should problably visit the Debian site and try
> pick up a .deb package for Firebird.
> >I wanted to use TCP/IP connection string because later on I want
> >connect from a Windows remote client to Firebird database in
> >using ODBC.
> Well, you'll have the same problem from any remote client if you
> don't supply a proper connection string...and no remote client
> (including one using local loopback) can connect if xinetd isn't
> ./hb