Subject Connect from PDA to Firebird Server
Author m_fuger
I'm moving my question to this group because I was asked to.
Here are the posts for my question (last paragraph)

--- In, "Jiri Cincura"
<diskuze@...> wrote:
> On 8/31/07, m_fuger <m_fuger@...> wrote:
>> I want to write an application for PDA (>Windows Moblie 5 running
>> an ARM system) that connects to a firebird database via WLAN.
>> question is: Are there any libraries for these systems (programming
>> language does not care) that can solve this problem?
>> If there is no "simple" solution, has anybody already written
>> application that can solve this issue (connect with >WM5 via
>> an Firebird Server)?
> You can use .NET and Firebird ADO.NET provider. Works nice. I've
> written some small apps. with this.
> PS: This isn't best list for asking. Better use support list.
> --
> Jiri {x2} Cincura (Microsoft Student Partner)
> |
Thanks for the quick response, but when I read your post on your
about FB embedded there i read in the section about limitations,
you can just connect via local protocol.
Does this mean, that the embedded server just allow these
connections, or that the FirebirdClient.dll can't establish a
connection via TCP/IP?

P.S.: I just wrote this answere to this list, any additional
questions will be posted in the support list :)