Subject Re:Connect from PDA to Firebird Server
>> I want to write an application for PDA (>Windows Moblie 5 running
>> an ARM system) that connects to a firebird database via WLAN.
>> question is: Are there any libraries for these systems (programming
>> language does not care) that can solve this problem?
>> If there is no "simple" solution, has anybody already written
>> application that can solve this issue (connect with >WM5 via
>> an Firebird Server)?

What I don't understand here is why you want to have a direct connection
between your application running on the mobile device and the database.
Wouldn't it make more sense to model your application around some MVC style
framework, and keep the Mobile part just the user interface to a remote
transaction layer that then works with the database? I mean you could
easily implement this with a SOAP Web Services set of calls coming from the
Mobile device to a server that does the interaction with the database. Then
you don't need to have a local DB on the mobile device, or have any client
interface directly with the database at all.

It also enables you to choose different devices for the deployment (ie. Web
browsers, PC clients, etc.) without having to rewrite your application for
each deployment device.


Myles Wakeham
Director of Engineering
Tech Solutions USA, Inc.
Scottsdale, Arizona USA
Phone +1-480-451-7440

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