Subject User managment with embeded
Author ainpoissee

I get following error when adding new user to embeded FB:

Cannot attach to services manager
service C:\ise\D5\tap.fdb:service_mgr is not defined
Unsuccessful execution caused by an unavailable resource.
Error Code: 335544792
Exception class: EUIBError

Stack list
[004C299D] jvuiblib.RaiseException (Line 969, "jvuiblib.pas" + 10) + $2
[0047897B] JclHookExcept.HookedRaiseException (Line 251,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 3) + $D
[004C299D] jvuiblib.RaiseException (Line 969, "jvuiblib.pas" + 10) + $2
[004C2B4C] jvuiblib.TUIBLibrary.CheckUIBApiCall (Line 998,
"jvuiblib.pas" + 27) + $4
[004C3E06] jvuiblib.TUIBLibrary.ServiceAttach (Line 2032,
"jvuiblib.pas" + 5) + $35
[004D51EC] jvuib.TJvUIBService.BeginService (Line 3419, "JvUIB.pas" +
7) + $1D
[004D5CF0] jvuib.TJvUIBSecurity.RunAction (Line 3790, "JvUIB.pas" +
26) + $3
[004D58C2] jvuib.TJvUIBSecurity.AddUser (Line 3638, "JvUIB.pas" + 0) + $2

As you can see, I'm using UIB components to connect to FB (fbembed.dll The same code works OK with remote server. Any idea
whats the problem? Embeded doesn't support user mangment or there is a
bug in TJvUIBSecurity component or...?
