Subject record updation slowdown
Author flashjobs

I have a database with size 2GB, running under linux platform with
firebird 1.5 SS. My server has not shutdown for a long period. There is
a problem coming during long run, updation of some particular record
getting slowdown(especialy for particular field eg. Quantity). There
will be a lot of transactions with these type of records compared to
others. This problem getting solved when i reboot my machine/shutdown
my database. When i looking in to header information. i found there a
big sweep gap. so i have run a sweep command, then the sweep gap became
low. But my problem not solved till. I have tried to update these
records with dbedit tools also(eg ibExpert) there also i can see the
delay for updation. Any command/tool to identiy and solve the exact
problem ?

Manoj Bhaskaran