Subject Running different FB versions
Author Guido Klapperich
We have the following architecture, one firebird server in the
headquarter for the office work. Then we have several sales reps with
laptops with firebird installed. They work offline, so all sales reps
have a their own copy the database. Every day they replicate with
headquarter with IBReplicator. Actually we run FB 1.5 on every machine.
Now we want to upgrade to FB 2. Because of organisational reasons, we
can't upgrade the firebird server in the headquarter and on the laptops
at the same time. So I have planned the following proceeding.

First Phase:
1) Backup the database in the headquarter
2) Upgrade the firebird server in the headquarter to v2.
3) Restore the database in the headquarter, so now it has ODS 11
4) Replace on all computers in the headquarter the fbclient.dll with v2

Second Phase:
Do for every laptop of the sales reps...
1) Backup the database
2) Upgrade the firebird server to v2.
3) Restore the database, so now it has ODS 11
4) Replace fbclient.dll and gds32.dll (it's needed for IBReplicator) with v2

It can be possible, that the date difference between the first and the
second phase will be about 6 month. So it's absolutely necessary, that
in the meantime the sales reps can replicate their local fb 1.5 database
(ODS 10) with the fb 2 database (ODS 11) in the headquarter. I have done
some tests and it is possible to connect with fbclient v1.5 to a fb
server v2.

Is it possible, what I am planning? Has anybody experience with the
mixed architecture I described above? Does anybody know some pitfalls I
have to be aware of?
Any hints are appreciated.

