Subject Detecting FBEMBED vs. FBCLIENT.DLL
I have an application that I'm working on that will run either Single User
or Multi-User and its licensing is different in these modes. In multi-user
we are using a semi-3 tier approach for the application, but in single user
its just two tier (app + local FB database).

I'm thinking that FB Embedded for the single user is perfect, but if the
user wishes to run the application with a network database server, they will
need FBCLIENT.DLL installed for network access. In multi-user mode, there
are also a number of services provided by a 'server' application that we
have developed that are also required, but the client communicates directly
with the database server in multi-user configuration.

I need a way to detect if the user is running the app (Delphi 7) against a
FB Embedded database or against a FB network database. Are there any calls
that can be made to the client DLL that will tell me which client DLL is
being used so that we can detect this on startup?


Myles Wakeham
Director of Engineering
Tech Solutions USA, Inc.
Scottsdale, Arizona USA
Phone +1-480-451-7440

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