Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Blob Parsing Stored Procedure
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:43 AM 6/07/2007, you wrote:
>I am talking about renaming the fbembed.dll to gds32.dll. When I do
>this I then specify a local path (C:\Databases\mydb.fdb) rather than
>the traditional ( remote path.
>Though you bring up a good point...everywhere I've read that gds32.dll
>is for "old driver" support or for "legacy" support. However, I'm
>using the latest version of the ODBC driver and the latest version of
>Firebird. Why do I have to use gds32.dll?

Did I say that? I said "old drivers". The latest version of the
ODBC driver should recognise fbclient.dll. Yes, you DO have to
rename fbembed.dll.

>As far as using this method for deployment alone, I find that is a
>risk I cannot take. Many development issues came up just in the
>connection differences between the embedded method and the remote
>method (for instance, I can't format the dbname as
>localhost:C:\Databases\mydb.fdb, so I had to rewrite my connection
>string function). Also, I never would have noticed the exceptions I
>get when using this method if I hadn't tested it out well in advance.

Did you notice I said "Superserver"? Do your development on
Superserver and use the IPC connection method - the same as you use
for embedded. The server inside embedded is Superserver.

I give up now, having become weary of continually answering a
question for someone who is so sure he knows the answer before he asks it.
