Subject RE: [firebird-support] Q: Best web server
Author Max Renshaw-Fox
>> We are a Firebird 2.01, Delphi 7 dev shop. We are very happy with our
>> choice of technologies. We do have a customer however, that would
>> benefit from not having to deploy our Delphi Windows clients, so a web
>> app would do. We know how to make ISAPI DLLs, but the app is going to
>> be rather huge and dev work will be ongoing, so we were thinking that
>> having to shut down IIS / Appache to replace an ISAPI DLL every 4 hours
>> would be considered "bad form".
>> A buddy of mine told me about his system that uses MS SQL Server and
>> ColdFusion and Fusebox, to power his gaurenteed 99.9% uptime web app.
>> Since I know I can trust the advice and experience of the Firebird
>> newsgroup members, I'm bringing this question to all of you...
>> To power our web app, we want to use Firebird if possible, so is
>> ColdFusion the way to go, or is there a better choice? (Either
>> Commercial or OpenSource is OK)
>> Do we all have to learn Java? Or is there an Object Pascal technology
>> we could use that is equivalent to ColdFusion?
>> We are open to any suggestions you may recommend (based on your
>> experience) We need something that will serve 500 users per
>> installation, be hyper-reliable, access Firebird, output
>> HTML/JavaScript (no ActiveX)
>> What are the competitors to ColdFusion? (Corba? Borland AppServer?
>> Visibroker?)
>> We are complete newbies in this web app arena.
>> Thanks for any suggestions and help you can provide.
> Use PHP
> Alan
Or even Delphi-4-PHP - you'll have to learn a new language - but at least
the environment will be familiar (and you can move to another environment
later if you need to).

Alternatively you could look at Compiling Delphi for .NET - depending on
the scalability you want WebForms needs to be used carefully - then
migrate languages later - Delphi 2007 is OK.
