Subject Re: [firebird-support] Owners and Roles
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:07 AM 27/06/2007, you wrote:
>If I restore a database with a user 'READONLY', this user becomes the
>READONLY only has rights to 'Select' on the tables of the database.
>When READONLY performs a backup and restore, READONLY can no longer
>Select data from tables.
>I tried to create a READROLE and grant READONLY to the role, the same
>thing occurs.
>I assign all rights and create ROLES with SYSDBA.
>As a summary of what I am trying to achieve, I want to limited rights
>user to be able to backup / restore the database.
>Is this possible?
>Using Windows Superserver 2.0.1

No. When a user restores a database, it becomes the owner of the
database, but not of the objects within it.

It's also not a great idea to try to mix role-acquired privileges
with user-acquired ones. Things rapidly become a bird's nest.
