Subject Re: Owners and Roles
Author rodbracher
I am still not understanding.

If a database has set rights for a user (or role) to select from a
database, if it is backed up and restored, why are these rights lost
if backed up and restored as that user?

It is an environment where the database in question is external (data
pushed to it), which is used for web-publishing. They want to be able
to backup the database daily (and restore if need be), but we do not
want them to be able to edit the data. This db sever will have SYSDBA
and this single READONLY user only.

I suppose I could write a script they can run that executes the SYDBA
( with hidden password) with backups / restores - is this the best
approach then?



--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 01:07 AM 27/06/2007, you wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >If I restore a database with a user 'READONLY', this user becomes the
> >owner.
> >
> >READONLY only has rights to 'Select' on the tables of the database.
> >
> >When READONLY performs a backup and restore, READONLY can no longer
> >Select data from tables.
> >
> >I tried to create a READROLE and grant READONLY to the role, the same
> >thing occurs.
> >
> >I assign all rights and create ROLES with SYSDBA.
> >
> >As a summary of what I am trying to achieve, I want to limited rights
> >user to be able to backup / restore the database.
> >
> >Is this possible?
> >
> >Using Windows Superserver 2.0.1
> No. When a user restores a database, it becomes the owner of the
> database, but not of the objects within it.
> It's also not a great idea to try to mix role-acquired privileges
> with user-acquired ones. Things rapidly become a bird's nest.
> ./heLen