Subject Re: Migrating from IB5.6 to Firebird
Author amoradell

Yes, it's safe to backup ib56 databases with fb15 and after restore
them with fb15.

I have done it with several hundred and it works fine.
I stay with the same dialect (1).

To reuse a database with ib56 from fb15, you have to use the old gbak
with fb15 running and restore with this old gbak with ib56 running.
ib56 cant open an ods 10 database.

For the installation, try with a pc with ib56 installed because
firebird setup watches registry entry from interbase and stop if it
finds one.
we had to desinstall interbase or "hide" registry entry.


--- In, "bausufm" <bausufm@...>
> --- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@>
> >
> > At 05:38 PM 18/06/2007, Paul Hope wrote:
> > >I had been told some time ago that to go from IB5.6 to FB 1.5 I
> > >
> > >Backup under IB5.6
> > >Restore to FB 1.03
> > >Backup under FB1.03
> > >Restore to FB 1.5
> > >
> > >Is this correct?
> >
> > Correct? Shouldn't be.
> >
> > Fb 1.5 shouldn't have any trouble restoring from a gbak file
> > on IB 5.6. Can you describe the problems you have encountered?
> >
> > The main concern with IB 5.6 databases will be the
> > dialect. Presumably, if your customer has instructed you to
> > to Firebird 1.5, they want you to be able take advantage of the
> > language enhancements and newer data types...
> >
> > ./heLen
> >
> Hi Helen,
> 1) we have to upgrade all our customer databases from ib56 to fb15
> dialect 1 (dialect 3 will be a step in the future).
> 2) we don't want to have ib56 and fb15 running at the same time.
> 3) we cannot ensure that our customers backup all their databases
> (>100) with ib56 before upgrading to fb15.
> ->my solution: backup the old (ODS9.1) databases with fb15 and
> restoring them to get the new ODS.
> i tested it with several databases. they were all fine as far as i
> see.
> -> my question: is it really save? what can go wrong?
> Falko