Subject Re: [firebird-support] No message for error code NNNNNN found
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:08 AM 8/06/2007, you wrote:
>I've seen this discussed here before, but it hasn't solved my problem.
>I'm getting an error where it is obviously unable to look up error
>messages in firebird.msg, because it says "No message for error code
>NNNNN found".
>It's a .NET application using embedded FB, and I have my application,
>fbclient.dll (which is a copy of fbembed.dll),
>FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll, firebird.conf and firebird.msg all
>in the directory where the program is executing. The RootDirectory in
>firebird.conf points to that same directory (though apparently this is
>the default, so it shouldn't even be needed).
>Any ideas what could be wrong?

Two things to check:

1. That your app isn't accidentally accessing a full server that is
running on the same host machine and/or via a regular client that is
in the system path, i.e. not actually using the embedded server at all.

2. That the firebird.msg being accessed is the same version as the
client (and server, in case 1) that are in use

>P.S. I hope this won't appear twice - I tried posting it from my
>Newsreader on the associated Atkin newsgroup, but nothing happened, so
>I'm doing it directly on the Yahoo group.

Your email address needs to be subscribed to the list in order to
post from the newsgroup interface. Obviously you have a subscription
- but you may have your news client set up with a different
sender...I've been handling a miscellany of email addresses from you
as exceptions in the firebird-net-provider list...
