Author sinprod2
Dear Helen,

I am with a problem in a data base of my customer.

This problem already is occurring has about 3 months and already I
do not obtain more to imagine which can be the reason the same to be

The problem that occurs, is related to a table of accounts
receivable, that of one instant for another one it corrupts and it
eliminates part of the registers.

Our team already raised many hypotheses that could be influencing in
this problem as: network data, computers with some defect, eletrica
net, etcÂ…

The tests in the physical part had been made all, but the problem
continues to persist.

Some times, the problem the same occurs two or three times in day.
You can imagine the upheaval that this represents in stopping
system, to recoup backup, etcÂ… The last alternative that our team
thought is to send the archive of data for you, so that it can
analyze and then in giving one to them to seem technician.

Our customer is pressuring for a solution.

If you he will be able in taking care of them, can enter in contact
with us through the email adriano@....


Adriano Wolff
ADML Software