Subject Firebird 2.0.1: Database corrupt under high load CPU load
Author mark_gebauer

I'm running FB 2.0.1 on a system (Dell PowerEdge; Raid/SCSI system;
Windows Server 2003) with about 30 concurrent client connections.
Some of these connections are long-lasting. The system is often
under high load (average CPU load is about 80%, but sometimes the
server is on 100% for hours).

Regularly the stressed DB is corrupt and I am getting a lot of the
following or similar log messages:

"database file appears corrupt ()
wrong page type
page 4970 is of wrong type (expected 7, found 5)"

"database file appears corrupt ()
wrong page type
page 4970 is of wrong type (expected 7, found 3)"

"Page 6458 is use but marked free"

"Index 2 is corrupt on page 782 level 1. File:
\fb2\dev\fb2R2_0_1\firebird2\src\jrd\validation.cpp, line: 1656
in table TMSG (131)"

"Index 2 has orphan child page at page 782 in table TMSG (131)"

Usually it is not possible to repair or backup/restore the DB.

The DB is set to forced-write, it is excluded from the AV scanner and
it is not touched by any backup software.

Does anybody know where to start to analyze these issues?

Thanks in advance!