Subject RE: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.0 vs 1.5
Author Félix González

I´ve tested

Select sum(debe)
From apuntes
Where CodEjericio = :codEjercicio
And Fecha+0 between :fecha1 and :fecha2
And cuenta = :Cuenta

and it´s master, why? What´s the problem?



[] En nombre de Svein Erling Tysvaer
Enviado el: martes, 27 de febrero de 2007 20:52
Asunto: Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.0 vs 1.5

I think you ought to compare the plans between Fb 1.5 and Fb 2.0
(without them, any comment is just guessing), though if you are right
that it is the fecha field that is the problem, then the solution may be
to add +0 like this:

Select sum(debe)
From apuntes
Where CodEjericio = :codEjercicio
And Fecha+0 between :fecha1 and :fecha2
And cuenta = :Cuenta


Félix González wrote:
> Hi,
> =20
> I=B4ve a performace problem.
> I=B4ve an application running on FB 1.5, I migrate to FB 2.0 and the
> m
> are slower.
> I=B4ve test a procedure like :
> =20
> While i< 10000 do
> Begin
> Select sum(debe)
> From apuntes
> Where
> CodEjericio =3D :codEjercicio
> And Fecha between :fecha1 and :fecha2
> And cuenta=3D:Cuenta
> End
> This procedure it=B4s significant slower on FB 1.5
> I think the problem could be the =93fecha=94 field (it=92s a date filed).
> ithout
> this comparison the procedure are faster on FB 2.0.
> =20
> I=B4ve tested: and fecha <=3D fecha1 and fecha>=3Dfecha2 ante the problem
> t=B4s t
> There are anyone with this probem. I=B4m thinking to return to FB 1.5
> thanks

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