Subject Firebird 2.0 vs 1.5
Author Félix González

I´ve a performace problem.

I´ve an application running on FB 1.5, I migrate to FB 2.0 and the program
are slower.

I´ve test a procedure like :

While i< 10000 do


Select sum(debe)

From apuntes


CodEjericio = :codEjercicio

And Fecha between :fecha1 and :fecha2

And cuenta=:Cuenta



This procedure it´s significant slower on FB 1.5

I think the problem could be the “fecha” field (it’s a date filed). Without
this comparison the procedure are faster on FB 2.0.

I´ve tested: and fecha <= fecha1 and fecha>=fecha2 ante the problem it´s t

There are anyone with this probem. I´m thinking to return to FB 1.5


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