Subject Re: [firebird-support] Installing Firebird 2 on Linux (Suse 9.3)
Author Uwe Grauer
Ivan Grozny wrote:
> There was a loooooong thread just recently, title "Installing Firebird 2.0 on Xen AMD64" - the gentleman trying to get Xen to work was working with SuSE, and IIRC one of his problems was a SuSE service called AppArmor (essentially a software firewall with a fancy name, if I understand its function correctly.) Check it out - and good luck!
> Installing Firebird 2.0 on Xen AMD64

No, this thread turned out to be only some misunderstandings about the
real issues.
Firebird runs fine on suse.
It had nothing to do with AppAmor.
I remember i had it running under suse 9.3 without problems.
Watch out for the version you have to use (nptl or not).
