Subject Re: [firebird-support] Installing Firebird 2 on Linux (Suse 9.3)
Author Ivan Grozny
There was a loooooong thread just recently, title "Installing Firebird 2.0 on Xen AMD64" - the gentleman trying to get Xen to work was working with SuSE, and IIRC one of his problems was a SuSE service called AppArmor (essentially a software firewall with a fancy name, if I understand its function correctly.) Check it out - and good luck!

Installing Firebird 2.0 on Xen AMD64

----- Original Message ----

From: Jonathan Neve <jonathan@...>


Sent: Monday, February 5, 2007 9:25:06 AM

Subject: [firebird-support] Installing Firebird 2 on Linux (Suse 9.3)

Hi all,

I'm having trouble installing Firebird 2 on a brand new Suse Linux 9.3

server. I feel like I must be missing something obvious, and I don't

think I've installed on Linux since IB 6, so I may be well doing so.

I installed the rpm (old-threading model), without any problem, and it

successfully launched firebird (I could see fbguard and fbserver in

the process list). However, I'm unable to connect to the server at

all, whether locally (with isql) or from across the network; it simply

times out and says it can't find the server. So I tried to run "fb_mgr

-shut" to shutdown the server, thinking that perhaps it needed to be

restarted. This didn't work however, but gave a weird error message

involving clumplets and such like, only to eventually admit that it

was merely unable to attach to the database.

So, figuring that perhaps I was supposed to use the NPTL version

(since it's a recent kernel, which ought to handle that), I downloaded

it, and installed it (I couldn't get the rpm to uninstall cleanly, so

I had to get rid of the main stuff by hand, and then used rpm -i

--replacepkgs for installing the NPTL version). This however, doesn't

seem to have helped.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Jonathan Neve.

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