Subject Acces Denied....
Author Mario Lacunza
I install Firebird 2.0 and Flamerobin from Synaptic, all good. But I never receipt any ask for setup the User and password for the server.

So when I try to perform (in Flamerobin) a simple Server retrieve verion I receipt:

None of the credentials of the databases could be used.
You need to supply a valid username and password.

I setup both for default (SYSDBA and masterkey) and receipt this:

[CODE] *** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Service::Connect
Message: isc_service_attach failed

SQL Message : -902
Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
successful execution of subsequent statements

Engine Code : 335544721
Engine Message :
Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
Failed to establish a connection.[/CODE]

That is in my PC Desktop in my laptop (both have the same config: Ubuntu Gutsy and....) I receipt a message like:

You dont have permission in file blah blah

Access denied


So I change the permission for the .FDB file, but dont fix the trouble.

Thats error show me in both instalation: from Synaptic and compile from sources.

Any idea??


Saludos / Best regards
Mario Lacunza
Desarrollador 2 Estrellas VS2005
Email: mario_lacunza [AT] yahoo [DOT] es
Lima - Peru

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