Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird crash at 63 connection
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:00 AM 15/11/2007, you wrote:
>i have a Problem with one Firebird Installation.
>Firebird Version 1.5.4
>Windows 2003 Server
>I cant establish more then 63 connection at the same time.
>On the 64 connection crash the FB.

No, FB is not crashing. It shuts itself down in an orderly manner because the network operating system has closed the port.

>The FB Service is still running, but all active connection were degraded.
>I must restart the Server manually, then server runs while count active connection < 64.
>Have anybody a idea?
>The log says:
>SERVER-03 (Client) Wed Nov 14 10:33:09 2007
> Guardian starting: C:\Programme\Firebird_1_5_3\bin\fbserver.exe
>SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:33:59 2007
> INET/select_wait: select failed, errno = 0
>SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:33:59 2007
> SRVR_multi_thread/RECEIVE: error on main_port, shutting down
>SERVER-03 (Client) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> C:\Programme\Firebird_1_5_3\bin\fbserver.exe: normal shutdown
>SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> Shutting down the Firebird service with 63 active connection(s) to 1 database(s)
>SERVER-03 (Client) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> Control services error 1061
>SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> The database C:\LALA\DB1X.FDB was being accessed when the server was shutdown
>Where can I see wich version (Super or Classic) is installed?

fbserver.exe is Superserver. Classic's name on Windows is fb_inet_server.exe.

Check your TCP/IP configuration. It appears to be restricted to 63 connections. (Firebird doesn't restrict the number of connections). This might be related to your Server2003 licence or it might be merely a matter of altering some default setting. Unless you are the resident network expert, I strongly recommend talking to the person who is that expert...

You can inspect the server's TCP/IP parameters via a Registry editor at the key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. The key TcpNumConnections limits the number of concurrent connections. If you don't see the key, it means it is set to some default. You can add the key to override the default - instructions are here (but heed the warnings about editing the Registry!)

That may or may not be the whole answer. Your server licence might be limiting the number of connections on purpose because you have the wrong level of licence to permit more than 63 connections. Or you might have some firewall rule that shuts down port 3050 when the number of connections exceeds 63...

Please would you set up your email client NOT to send that long, irrelevant footer message to the list. - thanks.
