Subject Re: Firebird crash at 63 connection
Author Adam
--- In, André Pietzner <ap@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> i have a Problem with one Firebird Installation.
> Firebird Version 1.5.4
> Windows 2003 Server

What breed of 2003 server? Standard / SBS / etc with limits to active
TCP connections?

Can you duplicate it on any other machine?

> Problem:
> I cant establish more then 63 connection at the same time.
> On the 64 connection crash the FB.
> The FB Service is still running, but all active connection were
> I must restart the Server manually, then server runs while count
active connection < 64.
> Have anybody a idea?
> The log says:
> SERVER-03 (Client) Wed Nov 14 10:33:09 2007
> Guardian starting: C:\Programme\Firebird_1_5_3\bin\fbserver.exe

You sure this is 1.5.4??

> SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:33:59 2007
> INET/select_wait: select failed, errno = 0
> SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:33:59 2007
> SRVR_multi_thread/RECEIVE: error on main_port, shutting down
> SERVER-03 (Client) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> C:\Programme\Firebird_1_5_3\bin\fbserver.exe: normal shutdown
> SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> Shutting down the Firebird service with 63 active connection(s) to
1 database(s)
> SERVER-03 (Client) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> Control services error 1061
> SERVER-03 (Server) Wed Nov 14 10:34:47 2007
> The database C:\LALA\DB1X.FDB was being accessed when the server
was shutdown
> Where can I see wich version (Super or Classic) is installed?

fbserver.exe = Superserver
fb_inet_server.exe = Classic
