Subject RE: [firebird-support] a proper New Group?
Author Randall Sell
well, here we are chatting on the list. Am I not signed up to the right thing? can you please re-iterate the news URL. I just tried again and it tells me their are no news groups to subscribe to. I'm sure I must be doing something stupid.


"Leyne, Sean" <Sean@...> wrote: Randall,

> I tried to setup my news reader to some "atkins" news server which as
> as I can tell, doesn't exist. Thie link is:

The news server is very much alive and well.

> Is there a proper news server setup. I am not a big fan of the lists
> approach.

The news server is a 'mirror' to the mailing list. You need to
subscribe to the mailing list, but once you have done so, you can choose
to not receive the mail postings and simply use the news server.

Sean Leyne
Atkin News host

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